holidays in the usa презентация

Tory MacDonnell
2024-07-22 08:31 45 0


holidays in the usa презентация [Подробнее...]

Christmas Day Independence Day Memorial Day New Year's Day Mother's Day Father's Day Holidays In the USA Halloween St. Valentine's Day Easter Labour Day Thanksgiving Day. These expressions will help you: an holiday comes holiday was established. 4. This holiday is marked5. The biggest national holiday. Holidays in the USA презентация, проект, конспект. 1. Holidays in the USA ; 2. I. Greeting T: Good afternoon, pupils! In the USA there are 50 states, and there are many holidays. Such as New Year's Day, Valentine's Day, Easter, Independence Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving Day. The fourth of July is known as Independence Day when the USA was proclaimed an independent republic in 1776. It is a very great holiday marked by parades, flying of flags all over the country and picnics. 7. Halloween is a festival that takes place on October 31. In the USA children wear costumes and masks and go trick-or-treating. Washington's Birthday is observed on the third Monday in February. Independence Day is celebrated on July 4th in commemoration of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Labor Day falls on the first Monday of September. Thanksgiving is the fourth Thursday of November. Christmas is observed on December 25th. On Novem American Corner hosted the presentation of one of the most beloved, family and holidays of the USA "Thanksgiving Day." During the. Holidays in the United States of America» онлайн презентация доступная к бесплатному просмотру в количестве 19 слайдов. Скачать и распечатать можно в (x) для ученика любого класса, а также студента. In the USA there are 50 states, and there are many holidays. Such as New Year's Day, Valentine's Day, Easter, Independence Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving Day. Kura87. The document is a PowerPoint presentation about holidays celebrated in the USA. It consists of 38 slides divided into sections on national holidays like Thanksgiving and Independence Day, religious holidays such as Christmas and Easter, fun days like Halloween and April Fool's Day, and ethnic/regional holidays including St. Patrick's Day. The fourth of July is known as Independence Day when the USA was proclaimed an independent republic in 1776. It is a very great holiday marked by parades, flying of flags all over the country and picnics. 7. Halloween is a festival that takes place on October 31. In the USA children wear costumes and masks and go trick-or-treating. Holidays in the USA 3. Plan: 1. Holidays 2. Thanksgiving day ndence day 4. Holidays There are a lot of holidays in the USA. Many of them are associated with the history of the nation. The main holidays of the USA are New Year's Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas. The New Year's Eve is a time for. Thanksgiving Day Thanksgiving day is considered the most American of the holidays. It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. The holiday commemorates. Kazakhstan holidays in 20 include important national and religious observances such as Navruz, International Women's Day, Victory Day. Holidays in the usa презентация Kura87. The document is a PowerPoint presentation about holidays celebrated in the USA. It consists of 38 slides divided into sections on national holidays like Thanksgiving and Independence Day, religious holidays such as Christmas and Easter, fun days like Halloween and April Fool's Day, and ethnic/regional holidays including St. Patrick's Day. THE USA. AMERICAN HOLIDAYS. Презентация страны изучаемого языка. Американские праздники. ПРЕПОДАВАТЕЛИ СПО, ОБЪЕДИНЯЙТЕСЬ! СПб ГБПОУ «Санкт-Петербургский технический колледж управления и коммерции. Holidays in the USA 2. • Every nation and every country has its own customs and traditions. They reflect the history of the country and its cultural and religious traditions. There are some special holidays which are usually celebrated in a particular country. But there are also international holidays which are celebrated in all countries world-wide. 3. The history of the Americans is.

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